I'll be on my way to the airport. After a whole day of stuffing, shoving, taking out, putting back in, then taking back out again, I'm finally finished! A whopping 31 x 20 x 13 hulk of a suitcase weighing a total of 70lbs. (Yes, I'll be paying overweight fee, I just don't see how it's possible to get it under 50!)
I arrive at Spain at 9 am tomorrow morning. I really don't know what to expect. Will I walk out the automatic doors and be overwhelmed by the "Spanish Culture", whatever that is, I don't know yet. But I think not. Will I be mesmerized by the magnificent cathedrals and architecture? Will I consume more wine than tapas? Will I flood my friends' facebook newsfeeds with photos of statues with their things hanging out?
Perhaps, and most likely yes for the last.
I don't know what there is to expect. But I'm going in with an open mind. Again the words "A donde vayas, haz lo que veas" (similar to "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"), ring my mind.
Ok, so I know what you're thinking. There may be a downside to this. Obviously I don't want to be stupid and hang out with random extremely cute yet extremely sketchy foreign guys and be sold as a sex slave, and then have my dad fight all the bad guys (good thing he's a retired C.I.A. agent), and after being rescued by my dad, have him hook me up with singing lessons from a famous pop sensation. I am well aware of the consequences. (Sorry if I just ruined the movie for you, it's a great film, you should go see it...or not).
And plus, I'm going to try not to stand out more than I already do (I'm Asian).
Probably the most Asian picture I have myself: drinking boba in Taiwan. You can't get more Asian than this. |
I'm not going to do whatever I'd like just because I'm in a foreign country. I'll be open-minded about it, but there's a difference between 'accepting' and 'trying-to-be-like' (for lack of a better word). Anyways, my goal is to stay true to myself and
not see being in a foreign country as an opportunity to be someone else. (I emphasize "not" because so often, that's what people do, and then they go crazy) Instead, it's an opportunity to get to know ME a little better, I guess you can say, an extension of myself, no, not like a third appendage.
OK, well I'm off to my last lunch this year with the parentals. WOW. Then off to the airport!
¡Nos vemos en España!